KS2 Christmas Performance 2021



Samarah ( Fraser - Pryce)
Now I'm in year 6 and we are gonna do this! I remember i just started year 5 and it was December🙌

Sara Hoque
I miss it. It brings so much nostalgia back then 😢.

This was so fun! The year 6 song is still in my head

Wow I miss my school a lot 😪

Watching this back in 2022 is so nostalgic

ameera meredith class
I loved singing the carols

Hannah - Mozart Class.
Wow, really I loved these songs and they are still stuck in my head!

Zayan {Mozart class}
Loved all of the songs

maryam k
Guys I can still remember the song stuck in my head anyways you guys did an amazing job!

Saif (Mozart class)
It’s a very good performance

Mrs Flanagan
Thank you KS2, you uplifted us all with your singing and reminded us of the meaning of Christmas.

Khadija (Handel class)
Wow this is so good ! I love this singing.

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