Anti-Bullying Week 2016 - Beech


Beech Class member now in Year 9
Miss everyone!! Wish we could remake this and do a before and after of the two videos.

Former Beech Class member
I watch this video everyday before heading out to school and it reminds me of everything that we did as a class. I miss every single person and sometimes I tear up watching this. This song matches perfectly with how I feel. I miss TBPS and my amazing class so much...

I am in year 6 now and I cant believe how small we were!!!!

A old thomas buxton student
Who watches rice gum

Umar in Hawthorne
I liked your video

Miss Thompson
Great job Beech class!!! I'm very proud of you all😀😀😀😀😀

Sumaiya khanom
great job guys!

Love it

elder class
i am lost for words!

Well done Beech

Well done

Mr Cuthbertson
Well Done Beech class! This is such a great video. PS You are all very good at the mannequin challenge.

Sumaiya K
Love it miss you😊😊😊

Afeefah(Old member of bears)
Great guys miss you

This video is so cool I loved it

love it missed my old class bears

Mr Amin
I feel like I am in Heaven while listening to your beautiful voices and lovely mannequin challenge,Beech class!!!!

Iqra hornbeam
Well done it was so good

Miss Fordham's friend
Amazing video guys! Well done, really moving, and very smartly done.

Miss Fordham friend
Excellent work guys. You go beech class!

Seb (Miss Fordham's brother in law)
Bullying is a serious issue and people don't realise how long its effect can last. It's not just that day, or week, it can be a lifetime. This video is great and really brings it home!

Miss Fordham's sister
Great video, well done everyone

Inqiyad's Brother
Well Done Beech Class! I hope you WIN!!! 😄

saima's cousin
love the maniquin challenge

saima's brother
great job

saima's dad/mum
well done

ahsanul-saima's brother
very well done and great job beech class

Sumaiyas Mum- BEECH Y5
Well done beech class really good

i think we did a great job with the maniquin challenge and don't foget the lovely singing

Shelina Sahim' aunt
Well done Sahim in beech class love the mannequin challenge

fatima rowan
i love it

Great work guys you're epic👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Miss Borg
Great video-well done Beech class.

Well done Sahim and beech class

yusuf in elder
well done beech class and nice freeze effects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zahir. Mum

Zaara ( Elder Class )
Amazing! I haven't seen anyone do the mannequin challenge. It's very unique :) I hope Elder Class can catch up with you guys! Maybe next year we will win :D Good luck everyone.

Sephrine (aunty)& myriam (nan) -kemall
Very lovely anti bullying video, well done
Beech class!!

muzzammil's brother
good work!!!
Mubeen I liked your video how you did the manikin challenge

Amaar-Harothwon class
the mannequin challenge was so cool and Riyaz was dabing.

You did very well Beech Class. Well done with the mannequin challenge!

Aayan- beech class
well done beech class i love when web did the dab.

were winning yay :)) I hope you enjoyed it

loved it beech

Zahir Beech

cute video

Ayman's sister
Great job Beech class!

Ayman beech class y5
we make it so cool. liked it so much. well at least I was in it.

I enjoyed the mannequin challenge

All of Beech Class
We all love it so much! We hope that you all enjoyed our video and the message!

Loved it😀😀😀

Rosina's friend
Well done beech class! Loved it! 😍😍😍

sihams sister
Great guys

Woooooooooooooooow!!!!! Amazing mannequin challenge, beech class!!!

Eva's mum
This video is so good

Sahim dad
Love the mannequin challenge

I love your music.

ifan mum
nice video :)

It is fantastic video

Loved it awesome

Rahela (Turtles Class)
Well done Beech Class. I loved the Mannequin challenge parts especially the part where everyone stays very still and focused.Good job. Keep up the good work.The Mannequin challenge parts made me laugh and smile!

I enjoyed doing the mannequin challenge. This video was AWESOME!

Ayman beech class
we looked like we were frozen.It was very cool

I love being in Beech Class this it what School Spirit looks like I hope WE WIN!!!!!!!!

Sahim' sister
Good work beech class

Amazing love it

Snail's little brother (maple)
THIS IS SO EPIC!You can do it beech


well done beech class

come on beech calss

Come on beech class hope we can win

So funny! Love it! :)

Fatima-Rowan class
Wow!!!I have never seen anything like it!I hope you guys win!! If not then I will wish you lots of luck!!!!!

OMG this is awesome!

Loved the vid!

This video is so cool 😀

This is the best out of the whole schools!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Mark Bunyan
The words are a little hard to hear at the beginning but I love the fact that they're made so clear by the end and the fact that everyone who's taking part looks as though they understand and want to spread the message!!!!!

Well done beech class

Trampolining friend of Miss Fordham
Great message to be sharing and really well done! Love the mannequin challenge parts :)

Miss Fordham's Sister
Fantastic video that really tackles the important issue of bullying- brilliant actors and actresses too!

Miss Fordham's trampoline coach
Awesome video guys, great message :-)

that was sooooooo good good use of the maniquin challenge I liked how you added that in but in general it was EPIC

Umm maryam
Very lovely

Miss Bibi
What a strong and important message you have portrayed Beech Class through 'the mannequin challenge'! Small acts of kindness can truly have a huge impact so always be the best that you can be 🙂

Great Work beech class.

Ahhhh i am in it .Great Work Beech class.I love the song Miss Fordham chose.

fantastic. Loved it!!!!So good😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

Ms Zinath Begum
Well done Beech class! What a great message and thoughtful freeze frames.

love it

Miss Fordham
Great job Beech class! Wonderful singing and mannequin freezeframes!

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